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23.1.2025 | Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminar Operatortheorie |
| Petr SIEGL |
| Local form subordination without a power decay and a criterion of Riesz basesness |
| 12.15 Uhr, Seminarraum AE02, Steyrergasse 30, Erdgeschoss |
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29.1.2025 | Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminar Numerical Simulations in Technical Sciences |
| Michael REICHELT |
| A Saddle Point Formulation for the Air-Gap Element |
| 17.15 Uhr, Hörsaal BE01, Steyrergasse 30, Erdgeschoss |
15.-19.9.2025 |
Spectral Theory and Differential Operators, Graz
24.-27.9.2025 |
23. Söllerhaus Workshop on Fast Boundary Element
Methods and Space-Time Discretization Methods, Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal