- As of April 2022 I have moved to RICAM (Linz). Link to new website
- At the GAMM Annual Meeting 2022 in Aachen, I will be organizing a Young Researchers' Minisymposium (together with Kevin Sturm) and the section S19 on PDE-Constrained Optimization (together with Carmen Gräßle)
- I am excited to that the Collaborative Research Center (SFB F90) "CREATOR -- Computational Electric Machine Laboratory" was funded by FWF and DFG.
- I was invited to give a plenary talk at the 12th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF2021), held online between July 6 and 8
- The GAMM Juniors summer school on shape and topology optimization will be held as a hybrid event in Graz and on Webex between July 26-30, 2021, see the the summer school website.
Research Interests |
- Topology Optimization
- Topological Derivatives
- Shape Optimization
- Optimization of Electrical Machines
- Finite Element Methods for Interface Problems
Short CV |
| Education |
- 2010: BSc, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.
- 2012: Dipl.-Ing., Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.
- 2017: Ph.D., Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.
| Former and current positions |
- 04 -- 10/2012: Project employee at Institute of Computational Mathematics, JKU Linz.
- 11/2012 -- 02/2017: PhD Student in Doctoral Program (Doktoratskolleg) "Computational Mathematics", JKU Linz, Austria. Supervision: Prof. Ulrich Langer.
- 12/2015 -- 10/2016: Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH (part time)
- 04/2017 -- 08/2017: Post-doctoral researcher at RICAM Linz in group of Prof. Langer, Austria.
- Since 09/2017: University assistant at Institute of Applied Mathematics, TU Graz.
- 09/2021 -- 02/2022: Post-doctoral researcher at Chair of Applied Mathematics (Continuous Optimization), Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Teaching |
| Winter 2020/21 |
| Summer 2020 |
Publications |
See also my profile on ResearchGate
| Preprints |
- P. Baumann, P. Gangl, K. Sturm.
Complete topological asymptotic expansion for L2 and H1 tracking-type cost functionals in dimension two and three, submitted; arXiv.
- T. Gauthey, P. Gangl, M. Hage Hassan.
Multi-Material Topology Optimization with Continuous Magnetization Direction for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Reluctance Motors, submitted; arXiv.
| Refereed publications |
- P. Gangl, K. Sturm.
Automated computation of topological derivatives with application to nonlinear elasticity and reaction-diffusion problems, accepted in CMAME, 2022; arXiv.
- P. Gangl, S. Köthe, C. Mellak, A. Cesarano and A. Mütze.
Multi-objective free-form shape optimization of a synchronous reluctance machine, accepted in COMPEL, 2022; arXiv.
- P. Gangl and K. Sturm.
Topological derivative for PDEs on surfaces, SIAM Contr. Optim., 60(1), pp. 81-103, 2021; arXiv.
- M. Merkel, P. Gangl and S. Schöps.
Shape Optimization of Rotating Electric Machines using
Isogeometric Analysis, IEEE Trans. Energ. Conv., 2021; arXiv.
- P. Gangl, K. Sturm, M. Neunteufel, J. Schöberl.
Fully and Semi-Automated Shape Differentiation in NGSolve, Struct. Multidisc. Optim., 63, pp. 1579-1607, 2021. arXiv. Download the code used in the paper here.
- P. Gangl and K. Sturm.
Asymptotic analysis and topological derivative for 3D quasi-linear magnetostatics, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (ESAIM: M2AN), 55, S853-S875, 2021; arXiv.
- P. Gangl and K. Sturm.
A simplified derivation technique of topological derivatives for quasi-linear transmission problems, accepted in ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (ESAIM: COCV), 26, 2020; arXiv.
- P. Gangl.
A multi-material topology optimization algorithm based on the topological derivative,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME) vol. 366, 2020; arXiv.
- S. Amstutz and P. Gangl.
Toplogical derivative for the nonlinear magnetostatic problem, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 51, pp. 169–218, 2019; arXiv.
- P. Gangl, S. Amstutz, and U. Langer.
Topology optimization of electric motor using topological derivative for nonlinear magnetostatics,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52(3):1--4, March 2016; preprint.
- P. Gangl, U. Langer, A. Laurain, H. Meftahi, and K. Sturm.
Shape optimization of an electric motor subject to nonlinear magnetostatics,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37(6):B1002--B1025, 2015; arXiv.
- P. Gangl and U. Langer.
Topology optimization of electric machines based on topological sensitivity analysis,
Computing and Visualization in Science, vol. 15(6), pp.345--354, 2012; arXiv.
| Conference proceedings |
- P. Gangl, U. Langer, A. Mantzaflaris, R. Schneckenleitner.
Isogeometric Simulation and Shape Optimization with Applications to Electrical Machines, In G. Nicosia, V. Romano, editors, Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, SCEE 2018, pages 35-44, 2020, Springer International Publishing; arXiv.
- P. Gangl and U. Langer.
A Local Mesh Modification Strategy for Interface Problems with Application to Shape and Topology Optimization,
In: Langer U., Amrhein W., Zulehner W. (eds) Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. Mathematics in Industry, vol 28. Springer, Cham, 2018; arXiv.
- G. Bramerdorfer, P. Gangl, A. Fohler, U. Langer, and W. Amrhein.
Determination of the cogging torque sensitivity of brushless permanent magnet machines due to changes of the material characteristics of ferromagnetic components,
In 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014), Manchester, pages 1--6, 2014.
| Book chapter |
- P. Gangl.
Sensitivity-based topology and shape optimization with application to electric motors ,
Book chapter in IMA Volume "Frontiers in PDE-Constrained Optimization" (Editors: H. Antil, D. Kouri, M. Lacasse, D. Ridzal), Springer-Verlag New York, 2018.
| PhD Thesis |
- Sensitivity-based topology and shape optimization with application to electrical machines,
PhD Thesis, JKU Linz, 2016, pdf.
see also
- Topology and shape optimization with application to electrical machines,
LCM Schriftenreihe, ISBN 978-3-99062-128-8, Trauner Verlag, 2017. Link
| Other articles |
- Where to put a hole?,
Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten Nr. 239 (2018), (by Austrian Mathematical Society ÖMG), pdf.
- Mathematical Shape and Topology Optimization of Electrical Machines,
TU Graz research magazine, Dec. 2018
Media |
- TU Graz people magazine, Oct. 2018
- SIAM nugget article about our paper "Shape optimization of an electric motor subject to nonlinear magnetostatics"
- Participation in Science Slam
- Stream of my invited talk at the IMA Special Workshop "Frontiers in PDE-Constrained Optimization": Video
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