Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Publications O. Steinbach
  1. K. Kalik, W. Kolbe, O. Steinbach, W. Wendland: Mathematik. In: Der Ingenieurbau. Grundwissen. (G. Mehlhorn ed.) Verlag Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 1999.
  2. O. Steinbach: Stability Estimates for Hybrid Coupled Domain Decomposition Methods. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1809, 2003.
  3. O. Steinbach: Numerische Näherungsverfahren für elliptische Randwertprobleme. Finite Elemente und Randelemente. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Wiesbaden, 2003.
  4. O. Steinbach: Lösungsverfahren für lineare Gleichungssysteme. Algorithmen und Anwendungen. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Wiesbaden, 2005.
  5. W. L. Wendland, O. Steinbach: Analyis. Integral- und Differentialrechnung, gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen, komplexe Funktionentheorie. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Wiesbaden, 2005.
  6. S. Rjasanow, O. Steinbach: The Fast Solution of Boundary Integral Equations. Mathematical and Analytical Techniques with Applications to Engineering, Springer, New York, 2007.
  7. O. Steinbach: Numerical Approximation Methods for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems. Finite and Boundary Elements. Springer, New York, 2008.
Edited Books/Special Issues
  1. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.): Computing and Visualization in Science. Special Issue on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Volume 8, Numbers 3-4, 2005.
  2. M. Schanz, O. Steinbach (eds.): Boundary Element Analysis. Mathematical Aspects and Applications. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, vol. 29, Springer, Heidelberg, 2007.
  3. M. Schanz, O. Steinbach, M. Bonnet (eds.): Computational Mechanics. Special Issue dedicated to IABEM 2006 and Prof. L. Gaul's 60th anniversary. Volume 41, Number 6, 2008.
  4. U. Langer, O. Steinbach (eds.): Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. Special Issue on Analysis and Numerics of Boundary Integral Equations dedicated to Wolfgang L. Wendland on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Volume 31, Number 17, 2008.
  5. K. Kunisch, G. Of, O. Steinbach (eds.): Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2007, Graz, September 2007. Springer, Heidelberg, 2008.
  6. T. Apel, A. Böttcher, G. Haase, B. Heinrich, M. Jung, U. Langer, A. Meyer, A. Rösch, O. Steinbach (eds.): Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Special Volume with Selected Papers from the 20th Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium. Volume 32, 2008.
  7. U. Langer, M. Schanz, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.): Fast Boundary Element Methods in Engineering and Industrial Applications. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, vol. 63, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.
  8. G. N. Gatica, L. P. Cook, K. E. Jordan, N. Nigam, O. Steinbach, L. Xu (eds.): Applied Numerical Mathematics. Special Issue on Advances in Boundary Integral Equations and Related Topics: On the Occasion of Professor George C. Hsiao's 75th Birthday. Volume 62, Issue 6, 2012.
  9. T. Apel, O. Steinbach (eds.): Advanced Finite Element Methods and Applications. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, vol. 66, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013.
  10. R. Bürger, O. Steinbach, E. P. Stephan (eds.): ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech. Special Issue on Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Applications, Simulations. On the Occasion of the 75th Birthday of Prof. Dr.-Ing. em. Wolfgang L. Wendland. Volume 93, Number 6-7, 2013.
  11. H. Ammari, G. Bao, G. N. Gatica, N. Nigam, O. Steinbach, E. P. Stephan, L. Xu, J. Zhu (eds.): Journal of Computational Mathematics. Special volume with Selected papers from the 2nd Chongqing Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics. Volume 36, 2018.
  12. T. Apel, O. Steinbach (eds.): Computing and Visualization in Science. Special issue Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2017 in honour of Ulrich Langer and Arnd Meyer. Volume 19, Number 5-6, 2018.
  13. T. Apel, U. Langer, A. Meyer, O. Steinbach (eds.): Advanced Finite Element Methods with Applications. Selected papers from the 30th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2017. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 128, Springer, Cham, 2019.
  14. U. Langer, O. Steinbach (eds.): Space-Time Methods. Applications to Partial Differential Equations. Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 25, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2019.
  15. S. Chaillat-Loseille, R. Hiptmair, O. Steinbach: Boundary Element Methods. Oberwolfach Rep. 17 (2020), no. 1, 273--376.
  16. U. Langer, O. Steinbach (eds.): Comput. Meth. Appl. Math.. Special Issue on Recent Advances in Boundary Element Methods. Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023.
  1. O. Steinbach, Fast solution techniques for the symmetric boundary element method in linear elasticity. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 157 (1998) 185-191.
  2. O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, The construction of some efficient preconditioners in the boundary element method. Adv. Comput. Math. 9 (1998) 191-216.
  3. O. Steinbach, Adaptive finite element-boundary element solution of boundary value problems. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 106 (1999) 307-316.
  4. O. Steinbach, Fast evaluation of Newton potentials in boundary element methods. East-West J. Numer. Math. 7 (1999) 211-222.
  5. C. Eck, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, A symmetric boundary element method for contact problems with friction. Math. Comput. Simulation 50 (1999) 41-59.
  6. M. Ganesh, O. Steinbach, Nonlinear boundary integral equations for harmonic problems. J. Integral Equations Appl. 11 (1999) 437-459.
  7. W. McLean, O. Steinbach, Boundary element preconditioners for a hypersingular integral equation on an interval. Adv. Comput. Math. 11 (1999) 271-286.
  8. O. Steinbach, On a hybrid boundary element method. Numer. Math. 84 (2000) 679-695.
  9. H. Schulz, O. Steinbach, A new a posteriori error estimator in adaptive direct boundary element methods. The Dirichlet problem. Calcolo 37 (2000) 79-96.
  10. O. Steinbach, Adaptive boundary element methods based on computational schemes for Sobolev norms. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 22 (2000) 604-616.
  11. O. Steinbach, Mixed approximations for boundary elements. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 38 (2000) 401-413.
  12. G. C. Hsiao, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, Domain decomposition methods via boundary integral equations. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 125 (2000) 521-537.
  13. O. Steinbach, A note on initial higher order convergence results for boundary element methods with approximated boundary conditions. Num. Methods Part. Diff. Eq. 16 (2000) 581-588.
  14. O. Steinbach, On the stability of the L2 projection in fractional Sobolev spaces. Numer. Math. 88 (2001) 367-379.
  15. M. Ganesh, O. Steinbach, Boundary element methods for potential problems with nonlinear boundary conditions. Math. Comp. 70 (2001) 1031-1042.
  16. M. Ganesh, O. Steinbach, The numerical solution of a nonlinear hypersingular boundary integral equation. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 131 (2001) 267-280.
  17. O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, On C. Neumann's method for second order elliptic systems in domains with non-smooth boundaries. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 262 (2001) 733-748.
  18. J. H. Bramble, J. E. Pasciak, O. Steinbach, On the stability of the L2 projection in H1. Math. Comp. 71 (2002) 147-156.
  19. M. Kuhn, O. Steinbach, Symmetric coupling of finite and boundary elements for exterior magnetic field problems. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 25 (2002) 357-371.
  20. M. Jung, O. Steinbach, A finite element-boundary element algorithm for inhomogeneous boundary value problems. Computing 68 (2002) 1-17.
  21. O. Steinbach, On a generalized L2 projection and some related stability estimates in Sobolev spaces. Numer. Math. 90 (2002) 775-786.
  22. B. Reidinger, O. Steinbach, A symmetric boundary element method for the Stokes problem in multiple connected domains. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 26 (2003) 77-93.
  23. G. J. Rodin, O. Steinbach, Boundary element preconditioners for problems defined on slender domains. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 24 (2003) 1450-1464.
  24. O. Steinbach, A robust boundary element method for nearly incompressible linear elasticity. Numer. Math. 95 (2003) 553-562.
  25. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, Boundary element tearing and interconnecting methods. Computing 71 (2003) 205-228.
  26. O. Steinbach, A note on the ellipticity of the single layer potential in two-dimensional linear elastostatics. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 294 (2004) 1-6.
  27. O. Steinbach, A natural domain decomposition method with non-matching grids. Appl. Numer. Math. 54 (2005) 362-377.
  28. G. Of, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, Applications of a fast multipole Galerkin boundary element method in linear elastostatics. Comput. Visual. Sci. 8 (2005) 201-209.
  29. G. Of, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, The fast multipole method for the symmetric boundary integral formulation. IMA J. Numer. Anal. 26 (2006) 272-296.
  30. U. Langer, G. Of, O. Steinbach, W. Zulehner, Inexact data-sparse boundary element tearing and interconnecting methods. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 29 (2007) 290-314.
  31. S. Engleder, O. Steinbach, Modified boundary integral formulations for the Helmholtz equation. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 331 (2007) 396-407.
  32. B. Muth, G. Of, P. Eberhard, O. Steinbach: Collision Detection for Complicated Polyhedra Using the Fast Multipole Method or Ray Crossing. Arch. Appl. Mech. 77 (2007) 503-521.
  33. G. Of, A. Schwaigkofler, O. Steinbach: Boundary integral equation methods for inverse problems in electrical engineering. Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik 124 (2007) 254-259.
  34. S. Engleder, O. Steinbach: Stabilized boundary element methods for exterior Helmholtz problems. Numer. Math. 110 (2008) 145-160.
  35. G. Of, M. Kaltenbacher, O. Steinbach: Fast multipole boundary element method for electrostatic field computations. Compel 28 (2009) 304-319.
  36. O. Steinbach, M. Windisch: Modified combined field integral equations for electromagnetic scattering. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47 (2009) 1149-1167.
  37. O. Steinbach, G. Unger: A boundary element method for the Dirichlet eigenvalue problem of the Laplace operator. Numer. Math. 113 (2009) 281-298.
  38. G. Of, O. Steinbach: The all-floating boundary element tearing and interconnecting method. J. Numer. Math. 17 (2009) 277-298.
  39. D. Brunner, G. Of, M. Junge, O. Steinbach, L. Gaul: A fast BE-FE coupling scheme for partly immersed bodies. Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg. 81 (2010) 28-47.
  40. G. Of, O. Steinbach, P. Urthaler: Fast evaluation of Newton potentials in boundary element methods. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 32 (2010) 585-602.
  41. G. Of, T. X. Phan, O. Steinbach: Boundary element methods for Dirichlet boundary control problems. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 33 (2010) 2187-2205.
  42. O. Steinbach, M. Windisch: Stable boundary element domain decomposition methods for the Helmholtz equation. Numer. Math. 118 (2011) 171-195.
  43. S. Engleder, O. Steinbach: Boundary integral formulations for the forward problem in magnetic induction tomography. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 34 (2011) 1144-1156.
  44. O. Steinbach: A note on the stable one-equation coupling of finite and boundary elements. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 49 (2011) 1521-1531.
  45. Z. Andjelic, G. Of, O. Steinbach, P. Urthaler: Boundary element methods for magnetostatic field problems: A critical view. Comput. Visual. Sci. 14 (2011) 117-130.
  46. M. Neumüller, O. Steinbach: Refinement of flexible space-time finite element meshes and discontinuous Galerkin methods. Comput. Visual. Sci. 14 (2011) 189-205.
  47. O. Steinbach, G. Unger: Convergence analysis of a Galerkin boundary element method for the Dirichlet Laplacian eigenvalue problem. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 50 (2012) 710-728.
  48. G. Of, G. J. Rodin, O. Steinbach, M. Taus: Coupling of discontinuous Galerkin finite element and boundary element methods. SIAM. J. Sci. Comput. 34 (2012) A1659-A1677.
  49. O. Steinbach: On the stability of the non-symmetric BEM/FEM coupling in linear elasticity. Comput. Mech. 51 (2013) 421-430.
  50. G. Of, O. Steinbach: Is the one-equation coupling of finite and boundary element methods always stable? ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 93 (2013) 476-484.
  51. T. X. Phan, O. Steinbach: Boundary element methods for parabolic boundary control problems. J. Integral Eqn. Appl. 26 (2014) 53-90.
  52. O. Steinbach: Boundary element methods for variational inequalities. Numer. Math. 126 (2014) 173-197.
  53. O. Steinbach, L. Tchoualag: Fast Fourier transform for efficient evaluation of Newton potential in BEM. Appl. Numer. Math. 81 (2014) 1-14.
  54. W. Lemster, G. Lube, G. Of, O. Steinbach: Analysis of a kinematic dynamo model with FEM-BEM coupling. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 37 (2014) 2484-2501.
  55. G. Of, O. Steinbach: On the ellipticity of coupled finite element and one-equation boundary element methods for boundary value problems. Numer. Math. 127 (2014) 567-593.
  56. C. M. Augustin, G. A. Holzapfel, O. Steinbach: Classical and all-floating FETI methods for the simulation of arterial tissues. Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg. 99 (2014) 290-312.
  57. A. Kimeswenger, O. Steinbach, G. Unger: Coupled finite and boundary element methods for fluid-solid interaction eigenvalue problems. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 52 (2014) 2400-2414.
  58. D. Amann, A. Blaszczyk, G. Of, O. Steinbach: Simulation of floating potentials in industrial applications by boundary element methods. J. Math. Ind. 4:13 (2014) 15p.
  59. T. X. Phan, O. Steinbach: Boundary integral equations for optimal control problems with partial Dirichlet control. Vietnam J. Math. Appl. 12 (2014) 143-160.
  60. G. Of, T. X. Phan, O. Steinbach: An energy space finite element approach for elliptic Dirichlet boundary control problems. Numer. Math. 129 (2015) 723-748.
  61. K. Bandara, F. Cirak, G. Of, O. Steinbach, J. Zapletal: Boundary element based multiresolution shape optimisation in electrostatics. J. Comp. Phys. 297 (2015) 584--598.
  62. O. Steinbach: Space-time finite element methods for parabolic problems. Comput. Meth. Appl. Math. 15 (2015) 551-566.
  63. O. Steinbach, B. Wohlmuth, L. Wunderlich: Trace and flux a priori error estimates in finite element approximations of Signorini-type problems. IMA J. Numer. Anal. 36 (2016) 1072-1095.
  64. T. Apel, O. Steinbach, M. Winkler: Error estimates for Neumann boundary control problems with energy regularization. J. Numer. Math. 24 (2016) 207-233.
  65. O. Steinbach, G. Unger: Combined boundary integral equations for acoustic scattering-resonance problems. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 40 (2017) 1516-1530.
  66. L. John, P. Pustejovska, O. Steinbach: On the influence of the wall shear stress vector form on hemodynamic indicators. Comput. Visual. Sci. 18 (2017) 113-122.
  67. K. Niino, O. Steinbach: Calderon's preconditioning for a space-time boundary element method for the heat equation. JASCOME 17 (2017) 29-171215, 6 pp., in Japanese.
  68. O. Steinbach, H. Yang: Comparison of algebraic multigrid methods for an adaptive space-time finite element discretization of the heat equation in 3D and 4D. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 25 (2018), no. 3, e2143, 17 pp.
  69. D. R. Q. Pacheco, O. Steinbach: Space-time Taylor-Hood elements for incompressible flows. Computer Methods in Material Sciences 19 (2019) 64-69.
  70. K. Niino, M. Hanzawa, O. Steinbach: On a finite element method using a Hilbert-type transformation for the 1D heat equation. JASCOME 19 (2019) 19-191201, 4 pp., in Japanese.
  71. T. X. Phan, O. Steinbach: Energy space approaches to the Cauchy problem for Poisson's equation. Acta Math. Vietnam. 45 (2020) 693-707.
  72. O. Steinbach, M. Zank: Coercive space-time finite element methods for initial boundary value problems. Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 52 (2020) 154-194.
  73. O. Steinbach, M. Zank: A note on the efficient evaluation of a modified Hilbert transformation. J. Numer. Math. 29 (2021) 47-61.
  74. M. Neumüller, O. Steinbach: Regularization error estimates for distributed control problems in energy spaces. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 44 (2021) 4176-4191.
  75. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, F. Tröltzsch, H. Yang: Unstructured space-time finite element methods for optimal control of parabolic equations. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 43 (2021) A744-A771.
  76. D. R. Q. Pacheco, O. Steinbach: A continuous finite element framework for the pressure Poisson equation allowing non-Newtonian and compressible flow behaviour. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 93 (2021) 1435-1445.
  77. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, F. Tröltzsch, H. Yang: Space-time finite element discretization of parabolic optimal control problems with energy regularization. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 59 (2021) 675-695.
  78. D. R. Q. Pacheco, R. Schussnig, O. Steinbach, T.-P. Fries: A global residual-based stabilization for equal-order finite element approximations of incompressible flows Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engn. 122 (2021) 2075-2094.
  79. D. R. Q. Pacheco, T. Müller, O. Steinbach, G. Brenn: A mixed finite element formulation for generalised Newtonian fluid flows with appropriate natural outflow boundary conditions. Int. J. Comput. Visual. Sci. Engrg., 2021.
  80. O. Steinbach, M. Zank: A generalized inf-sup stable variational formulation for the wave equation. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 505 (2022) 125457.
  81. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, H. Yang: Robust discretization and solvers for elliptic optimal control problems with energy regularization. Comput. Meth. Appl. Math. 22 (2022) 97-111.
  82. O. Steinbach, C. Urzua-Torres: A new approach to space-time boundary integral equations for the wave equation. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 54 (2022) 1370-1392.
  83. D. R. Q. Pacheco, O. Steinbach: On the initial higher-order pressure convergence in equal-order finite element discretizations of the Stokes system. Comput. Math. Appl. 109 (2022) 140-145.
  84. O. Steinbach, C. Urzua-Torres, M. Zank: Towards coercive boundary element methods for the wave equation. J. Integral Equations Appl. 34 (2022) 501-515.
  85. O. Steinbach, A. Missoni: A note on a modified Hilbert transform. Appl. Anal. 102 (2023) 2583-2590.
  86. U. Langer, R. Löscher, O. Steinbach, H. Yang: Robust finite element discretization and solvers for distributed elliptic optimal control problems. Comput. Meth. Appl. Math. 23 (2023) 989-1005.
  87. R. Löscher, O. Steinbach: Space-time finite element methods for distributed optimal control of the wave equation. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 62 (2024) 452-475.
  88. U. Langer, R. Löscher, O. Steinbach, H. Yang: An adaptive finite element method for distributed elliptic optimal control problems with variable energy regularization. Comput. Math. Appl. 160 (2024) 1-14.
  89. D. R. Q. Pacheco, O. Steinbach: Optimal pressure recovery using an ultra-weak finite element method for the pressure Poisson equation and a least-squares approach for the gradient equation. Comput. Meth. Appl. Math., published online, 2023.
  90. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, H. Yang: Robust space-time finite element methods for parabolic distributed optimal control problems with energy regularization. Adv. Comput. Math. 50, 24 (2024).
  91. U. Langer, R. Löscher, O. Steinbach, H. Yang: Mass-lumping discretization and solvers for distributed elliptic optimal control problems. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. (2024) e2564.
  92. R. Löscher, O. Steinbach, M. Zank: On a modified Hilbert transformation, the discrete inf-sup condition, and error estimates. Comput. Math. Appl. 171 (2024) 114-138.
Submitted Publications
  1. O. Steinbach: An adaptive least squares boundary element method for elliptic boundary value problems. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Bericht 2023/1, TU Graz, 2023.
  2. P. Gangl, R. Löscher, O. Steinbach: Regularization and finite element error estimates for elliptic distributed optimal control problems with energy regularization and state or control constraints. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Bericht 2023/4, TU Graz, 2023.
  3. P. Gangl, M. Gobrial, O. Steinbach: A space-time finite element method for the eddy current approximation of rotating electric machines. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Bericht 2023/5, TU Graz, 2023.
  4. C. Köthe, R. Löscher, O. Steinbach: Adaptive least-squares space-time finite element methods. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Bericht 2023/6, TU Graz, 2023.
  5. D. Hoonhout, R. Löscher, O. Steinbach, C. Urzua-Torres: Stable least-squares space-time boundary element methods for the wave equation. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Bericht 2023/8, TU Graz, 2023.
  6. U. Langer, R. Löscher, O. Steinbach, H. Yang: Parallel iterative solvers for discretized reduced optimality systems. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Bericht 2023/9, TU Graz, 2023.
  7. R. Löscher, M. Reichelt, O. Steinbach: Optimal complexity solution of space-time finite element systems for state-based parabolic distributed optimal control problems. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Bericht 2024/2, TU Graz, 2024.
  8. U. Langer, R. Löscher, O. Steinbach, H. Yang: Robust finite element solvers for distributed hyperbolic optimal control problems. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Bericht 2024/4, TU Graz, 2024.
  1. O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, Boundary element methods for contact problems. In: Advanced Multibody System Dynamics (W. Schiehlen ed.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 433-438, 1993.
  2. O. Steinbach, Boundary elements in domain decomposition methods. Contemp. Math. 180 (1994) 343-348.
  3. O. Steinbach, Parallel iterative solvers for symmetric boundary element domain decomposition methods. In: Fast Solvers for Flow Problems (W. Hackbusch, G. Wittum eds.), Vieweg, Braunschweig, pp. 263-272, 1995.
  4. R. Quatember, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, Domain decomposition based solvers for industrial stress analysis with boundary elements. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 94 (H. Neunzert ed.), John Wiley, Teubner, pp. 88-95, 1996.
  5. O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, Efficient preconditioners for boundary element methods and their use in domain decomposition. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Sciences in Engineering: 8th International Conference, Beijing, China (R. Glowinski et. al. eds.), John Wiley, pp. 3-18, 1997.
  6. O. Steinbach, Iterative solvers and efficient preconditioners for discretized boundary integral equations. ZAMM 76:S2 (1996) 685-686.
  7. R. Quatember, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, Entwicklung vorkonditionierter Iterationsverfahren für Randelementmethoden der Thermoelastizität auf Parallelrechnern. In: Mathematik. Schlüsseltechnologien für die Zukunft (K.-H. Hoffmann et al. eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 191-201, 1997.
  8. O. Steinbach, Fast solvers for the symmetric boundary element method. In: Boundary Elements: Implementation and Analysis of Advanced Algorithms (W. Hackbusch, G. Wittum eds.), Vieweg, Braunschweig, pp. 232-242, 1996.
  9. O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, Hierarchical boundary element preconditioners in domain decomposition methods. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (P. Bjorstad et. al. eds.), Domain Decomposition Press, Bergen, pp. 497-503, 1998.
  10. O. Steinbach, Numerische Aspekte von Randelementmethoden in der Festkörpermechanik. In: Simulationstechniken in der Materialwissenschaft (P. Klimanek, W. Pantleon eds.), Freiberger Forschungshefte B 279, pp. 59-72, 1996.
  11. O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, Domain decomposition and preconditioning techniques in boundary element methods. In: Boundary Element Topics (W. L. Wendland ed.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 471-490, 1997.
  12. H. Schulz, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, Benchmark problems in boundary element methods. In: Boundary Element Topics (W. L. Wendland ed.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 491-496, 1997.
  13. O. Steinbach, Parallel iterative solution of boundary element equations in 3D. In: Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential- and Integral Equations (M. Bach et. al. eds.), Pitman Research Notes in Mathematical Series 379, Addison Wesley, Longman, pp. 219-223, 1997.
  14. O. Steinbach, On the design of Benchmark problems for boundary element methods. In: ENUMATH 97 (H. G. Bock, F. Brezzi, R. Glowinski, G. Kanschat, Y. A. Kuznetsov, J. Periaux, R. Rannacher eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 588-595, 1998.
  15. O. Steinbach, Stable boundary element approximations of Steklov-Poincare operators. In: Mathematical Aspects of Boundary Element Methods (M. Bonnet, A.-M. Sändig, W. L. Wendland eds.), Research Notes in Mathematics 414, Chapman/Hall, pp. 296-305, 1999.
  16. O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, Domain decomposition and boundary elements. In: Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Applications (O. P. Iliev, M. S. Kaschiev, S. D. Margenov, B. H. Sendov, P. S. Vassilevski eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 112-123, 1999.
  17. H. Schulz, O. Steinbach, On a new approach for a posteriori error estimators in direct BEM. ZAMM 80:S3 (2000) 829-830.
  18. H. Schulz, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, On adaptivity in boundary element methods. In: IUATAM/IACM/IABEM Symposium on Advanced Mathematical and Computational Mechanics Aspects of the Boundary Element Method. (T. Burczynski ed.), Kluwer, pp. 315-325, 2001.
  19. H. Schulz, O. Steinbach, A new a posteriori error estimator in adaptive direct boundary element methods. The Neumann problem. In: Multifield Problems. State of the Art. (A.-M. Sändig, W. Schiehlen, W. L. Wendland eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 201-208, 2000.
  20. M. Kuhn, O. Steinbach, FEM-BEM coupling for 3D exterior magnetic field problems. In: ENUMATH 99 - Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Jyväskylä, Finland, July 26-30, 1999 (P. Neittaanmäki, T. Tiihonen, P. Tarvainen eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 180-187, 2000.
  21. P. Eberhard, O. Steinbach, K. Treutner, 'Boundary element mass matrix' - Strange but useful for hybrid MBS/BEM contact formulation. In: Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics. (W. A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger, K. Schweizerhof eds.), CIMNE, Barcelona, pp. 438-446, 2001.
  22. M. Ganesh, O. Steinbach, A hybrid BEM for a DtN map nonlinear problem. In: Advances in Boundary Element Methods II. (M. Denda, M. H. Aliabadi, A. Charafi eds.), Hoggar, Geneva, pp. 209-216, 2001.
  23. C. Eck, H. Schulz, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, An adaptive boundary element method for contact problems. In: Error-controlled Adaptive Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics. (E. Stein ed.), John Wiley, pp. 181-209, 2002.
  24. J. Breuer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, A wavelet boundary element method for the symmetric boundary integral formulation. In: Proceedings of IABEM 2002, Austin, 2002.
  25. G. Of, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland, A fast multipole boundary element method for the symmetric boundary integral formulation. In: Proceedings of IABEM 2002, Austin, 2002.
  26. G. Of, O. Steinbach, A fast multipole boundary element method for a modified hypersingular boundary integral equation. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Multifield Problems (M. Efendiev, W. L. Wendland eds.). Springer Lecture Notes in Applied Mechanics, vol. 12, Springer, Berlin, pp. 163-169, 2003.
  27. O. Steinbach, Artificial Multilevel Boundary Element Preconditioners. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 3 (2003) 539-542.
  28. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, Coupled boundary and finite element tearing and interconnecting methods. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XV (R. Kornhuber, R. Hoppe, J. Periaux, O. Pironneau, O. Widlund, J. Xu eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 40, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 83-97, 2004.
  29. U. Langer, G. Of, O. Steinbach, W. Zulehner, Inexact fast multipole boundary element tearing and interconnecting methods. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVI (O. Widlund, D. Keyes eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 55, Springer, pp. 405-412, 2007.
  30. G. Of, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland: Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Domain Decomposition Methods. In: Multifield Problems in Solid and Fluid Mechanics (R. Helmig, A. Mielke, B. I. Wohlmuth eds.). Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, vol. 28, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 461-490, 2006.
  31. U. Langer, O. Steinbach: Coupled finite and boundary element domain decomposition methods. In: Boundary Element Analysis. Mathematical Aspects and Applications (M. Schanz, O. Steinbach eds.). Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 61-95, 2006.
  32. O. Steinbach: Challenges and Applications of Boundary Element Domain Decomposition Methods. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVII (U. Langer, M. Discacciati, D. Keyes, O. Widlund, W. Zulehner eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 60, Springer, pp. 131-142, 2008.
  33. C. Fasel, S. Rjasanow, O. Steinbach: A boundary integral formulation for nonlocal electrostatics. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2007 (K. Kunisch, G. Of, O. Steinbach eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 117-124, 2008.
  34. O. Steinbach, G. Unger: A boundary element algorithm for the Dirichlet eigenvalue problem of the Laplace operator. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2007 (K. Kunisch, G. Of, O. Steinbach eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 191-198, 2008.
  35. S. Gemmrich, N. Nigam, O. Steinbach: Boundary integral equations for the Laplace-Beltrami operator. In: Mathematics and Computation, a Contemporary View. Proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2006 (H. Munthe-Kaas, B. Owren eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 21-37, 2008.
  36. M. Wilken, G. Of, C. Cabos, O. Steinbach: Efficient calculation of the effect of water on ship vibration. In: Analysis and Design of Marine Structures. Proceedings of MARSTRUCT 2009 (C. Guedes Soares, P. K. Das eds.), CRC Press, pp. 93-101, 2009.
  37. M. Schanz, O. Steinbach, P. Urthaler: A boundary integral formulation for poroelastic materials. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 9 (2009) 595-596.
  38. O. Steinbach, M. Windisch: Robust boundary element domain decomposition solvers in acoustics. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XIX (Y. Huang, R. Kornhuber, O. Widlund, J. Xu eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 78, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 277-284, 2011.
  39. G. Of, O. Steinbach: Coupled FE/BE Formulations for the Fluid-Structure Interaction. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XIX (Y. Huang, R. Kornhuber, O. Widlund, J. Xu eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 78, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 293-300, 2011.
  40. G. Of, T. X. Phan, O. Steinbach: Finite and boundary element energy approximations of Dirichlet control problems. In: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, March 2-6, 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam (H. G. Bock, X. P. Hoang, R. Rannacher, J. P. Schlöder eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 219-231, 2012.
  41. Z. Andjelic, G. Of, O. Steinbach, P. Urthaler: Fast boundary element methods for industrial applications in magnetostatics. In: Fast Boundary Element Methods in Engineering and Industrial Applications (U. Langer, M. Schanz, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland eds.), Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, vol. 63, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 111-143, 2012.
  42. C. Effenberger, D. Kressner, O. Steinbach, G. Unger: Interpolation-based solution of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem in fluid-structure interaction. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 12 (2012) 633-634.
  43. O. Steinbach, M. Windisch: Stable BETI methods in electromagnetics. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XX (R. Bank, M. Holst, O. Widlund, J. Xu eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 91, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 223-230, 2013.
  44. C. Augustin, O. Steinbach: FETI methods for the simulation of biological tissues. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XX (R. Bank, M. Holst, O. Widlund, J. Xu eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 91, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 503-510, 2013.
  45. M. Neumüller, O. Steinbach: A DG space-time domain decomposition. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XX (R. Bank, M. Holst, O. Widlund, J. Xu eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 91, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 623-630, 2013.
  46. O. Steinbach: Boundary integral equations for Helmholtz boundary value and transmission problems. In: Direct and inverse problems in wave propagation and applications (I. Graham, U. Langer, J. M. Melenk, M. Sini eds.). Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 14, de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 253-292, 2013.
  47. A. Kimeswenger, O. Steinbach, G. Unger: Coupled finite and boundary element methods for vibro-acoustic interface problems. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI (J. Erbel, M. Gander, L. Halpern, G. Pichot, T. Sassi, O. Widlund eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 98, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 507-515, 2014.
  48. E. Karabelas, O. Steinbach: Space-time DG methods for the coupled electro-mechanical activation of the human heart. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14 (2014) 839-840.
  49. M. A. F. Gsell, O. Steinbach: Domain decomposition methods for nonlinear transmission conditions. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14 (2014) 851-852.
  50. M. Zank, O. Steinbach: Adaptive space-time boundary element methods for the wave equation. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16 (2016) 777-778.
  51. M. Gsell, O. Steinbach: A mortar domain decomposition method for quasilinear problems. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIII (C.-O. Lee, X.-C. Cai, D. E. Keyes, H. H. Kim, A. Klawonn, E.-J. Park, O. B. Widlund eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 116, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 333-343, 2017.
  52. O. Steinbach: Stability of the Laplace single layer boundary integral operator in Sobolev spaces. In: Integral Methods in Science and Engineering. Vol. 1. Theoretical Techniques. Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, pp. 293-303, 2017.
  53. O. Steinbach, H. Yang: An algebraic multigrid method for an adaptive space-time finite element discretization. Lecture Notes in Compu. Sci., 10665, Springer, Cham, pp. 63-73, 2018.
  54. S. Dohr, O. Steinbach: Preconditioned space-time boundary element methods for the one-dimensional heat equation. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV (P. E. Bjorstad, S. C. Brenner, L. Halpern, R. Kornhuber, H. H. Kim, T. Rahman, O. B. Widlund eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 125, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 243-251, 2018.
  55. O. Steinbach, H. Yang: A space-time finite element method for the linear bidomain equations. In: Advanced Finite Element Methods with Applications. Selected papers from the 30th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2017 (T. Apel, U. Langer, A. Meyer, O. Steinbach eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 128, Springer, Cham, pp. 323-339, 2019.
  56. O. Steinbach, M. Zank: A stabilized space-time finite element method for the wave equation. In: Advanced Finite Element Methods with Applications. Selected papers from the 30th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2017 (T. Apel, U. Langer, A. Meyer, O. Steinbach eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 128, Springer, Cham, pp. 341-370, 2019.
  57. S. Dohr, K. Niino, O. Steinbach: Space-time boundary element methods for the heat equation. In: Space-Time Methods. Applications to Partial Differential Equations (U. Langer, O. Steinbach eds.), Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 25, de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 1-60, 2019.
  58. O. Steinbach, H. Yang: Space-time finite element methods for parabolic evolution equations: Discretization, a posteriori error estimation, adaptivity and solution. In: Space-Time Methods. Applications to Partial Differential Equations (U. Langer, O. Steinbach eds.), Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 25, de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 207-248, 2019.
  59. J. I. M. Hauser, O. Steinbach: Space-time variational methods for Maxwell's equations. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 19 (2019) e201900221.
  60. D. R. Q. Pacheco, O. Steinbach: On the pressure Poisson equation for the Stokes system. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 19 (2019) e201900425.
  61. S. Dohr, M. Merta, G. Of, O. Steinbach, J. Zapletal: A parallel solver for a preconditioned space-time boundary element method for the heat equation, In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXV (R. Haynes, S. MacLachlan, X.-C. Cai, L. Halpern, H. H. Kim, A. Klawonn, O. Widlund eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 138, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 108-116, 2020.
  62. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, F. Tröltzsch, H. Yang: Unstructured space-time finite element methods for optimal sparse control of parabolic equations. In: Optimization and Control for Partial Differential Equations. Uncertainty quantification, open and closed-loop control, and shape optimization. (R. Herzog, M. Heinkenschloss, D. Kalise, G. Stadler, E. Trelat eds.). Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 29, de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 167-188, 2022.
  63. D. R. Q. Pacheco, O. Steinbach: Space-time finite element tearing and interconnecting domain decomposition methods. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI (S. Brenner, E. Chung, A. Klawonn, F. Kwok, J. Xu, J. Zou eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 145, Springer, Cham, pp. 479-486, 2022.
  64. O. Steinbach, P. Gaulhofer: On space-time finite element domain decomposition methods for the heat equation. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI (S. Brenner, E. Chung, A. Klawonn, F. Kwok, J. Xu, J. Zou eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 145, Springer, Cham, pp. 547-554, 2022.
  65. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, F. Tröltzsch, H. Yang: Space-time finite element methods for the initial temperature reconstruction. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI (S. Brenner, E. Chung, A. Klawonn, F. Kwok, J. Xu, J. Zou eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 145, Springer, Cham, pp. 617-624, 2022.
  66. R. Löscher, O. Steinbach, M. Zank: Numerical results for an unconditionally stable space-time finite element method for the wave equation. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI (S. Brenner, E. Chung, A. Klawonn, F. Kwok, J. Xu, J. Zou eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 145, Springer, Cham, pp. 625-632, 2022.
  67. P. Gangl, M. Gobrial, O. Steinbach: A parallel space-time finite element method for the simulation of an electric motor. In: Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII, (Z. Dostal, A. Klawonn, T. Kozubek, U. Langer, L. F. Pavarino, J. Sistek, O. B. Widlund eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 149, Springer, Cham, pp. 255-262, 2024.
  68. U. Langer, R. Löscher, O. Steinbach, H. Yang: Robust iterative solvers for algebraic systems arising from elliptic optimal control problems. Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 13952, Springer, Cham, pp. 35-43, 2024.
  69. M. Reichelt, O. Steinbach: A hybrid space-time finite element method for parabolic evolution equations. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2023, accepted, 2024.
Books of Abstracts
  1. O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), Workshop on Domain Decomposition and Multifields in Fluid and Solid Mechanics. Book of Abstracts. Bericht 97/46, SFB 404, Universität Stuttgart, 1997.
  2. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Simulation, Book of Abstracts 2003/018, Universität Stuttgart, 2003.
  3. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), Workshop on Adaptive Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Simulation, Book of Abstracts 2004/015, Universität Stuttgart, 2004.
  4. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Book of Abstracts 2005/5, Berichte aus dem Institut für Mathematik D , TU Graz, 2005.
  5. O. Steinbach (ed.), 2nd Austrian Numerical Analysis Day, Book of Abstracts 2006/2, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2006.
  6. M. Schanz, O. Steinbach, G. Beer, U. Langer: IABEM 2006 Conference. Book of Abstracts, TU Graz, 10.-12.7.2006.
  7. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), 4. Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Book of Abstracts 2006/5, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2006.
  8. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), 5. Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Book of Abstracts 2007/10, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2007.
  9. O. Steinbach (ed.), Workshop on Numerical Simulation of the Maxwell Equations. Book of Abstracts 2008/2, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2008.
  10. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), 6. Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Book of Abstracts 2008/4, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2008.
  11. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), 7. Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Book of Abstracts 2009/7, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2009.
  12. A. Klawonn, U. Langer, L. F. Pavarino, O. Steinbach, O. B. Widlund (eds.), Workshop on Domain Decomposition Solvers for Heterogeneous Field Problems. Book of Abstracts 2010/8, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2010.
  13. O. Steinbach (ed.), Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics. Book of Abstracts 2010/10, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2010.
  14. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), 8. Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Book of Abstracts 2010/12, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2010.
  15. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), 9. Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Book of Abstracts 2011/4, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2011.
  16. A. Klawonn, O. Steinbach (ed.), Söllerhaus Workshop on Domain Decomposition Methods. Book of Abstracts 2011/5, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2011.
  17. U. Langer, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), 10. Workshop on Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications. Book of Abstracts 2012/9, Berichte aus dem Institut für Numerische Mathematik , TU Graz, 2012.
Technical Reports
  1. G. Haase, B. Heise, M. Jung, M. Kuhn, O. Steinbach, FEMooBEM. A parallel solver for linear and nonlinear coupled fe/be-equations. Bericht 94-16, DFG-Schwerpunkt Randelementmethoden, 1994.
  2. O. Steinbach, Theorie und Algorithmen für Iterationsverfahren zur Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme. Preprint 96-4, Mathematisches Institut A, Universität Stuttgart, 1996.
  3. O. Steinbach, Galerkin- und Kollokationsdiskretisierungen für Randintegralgleichungen in 2D. Dokumentation. Preprint 96-5, Mathematisches Institut A, Universität Stuttgart, 1996.
  4. M. Kuhn, O. Steinbach, Benchmarking for Boundary Element Methods. Technical Report, 1996.
  1. O. Steinbach, Gebietsdekompositionsmethoden in der BEM. Diplomarbeit, TU Chemnitz, 1992.
  2. O. Steinbach, Gebietszerlegungsmethoden mit Randintegralgleichungen und effiziente numerische Lösungsverfahren für gemischte Randwertprobleme. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, 1996.
  3. O. Steinbach, Stability Estimates for Hybrid Coupled Domain Decomposition Methods. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Stuttgart, 2000.
Lecture Notes
  1. A.-M. Sändig, O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), Mathematische Modellierung von Umweltproblemen. Preprint 2000-1, Mathematisches Institut A, Universität Stuttgart, 2000.
  2. O. Steinbach, W. L. Wendland (eds.), Fixpunktsätze. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Simulation, Seminarbericht 2003/021, Universität Stuttgart, 2003.
  3. O. Steinbach (ed.), Hierarchische Matrizen. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Simulation, Seminarbericht 2004/013, Universität Stuttgart, 2004.
  4. O. Steinbach, Vorlesung Hierarchische Matrizen. Berichte aus dem Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Simulation, Vorlesungsskript 2004/016, Universität Stuttgart, 2004.
  5. O. Steinbach, Numerische Mathematik 1. Vorlesungsskript 2005/1, Berichte aus dem Institut für Mathematik D , TU Graz, 2005.